You always think you’re gonna remember, but you don’t. Not really. Not in fine detail. Memories become soft and a little fuzzy, they fade. But your images preserve exactly what it looked like, felt like in that moment.

Liz Koston holding her camera and smiling in white shirt and jeans in Canyonlands National Park.


From Big Sur to Bodega Bay, from Yosemite to the Redwoods, I cannot wait to share this adventure with you. Seriously, every time I get to go on a journey with a new couple, I pinch myself a little. 

I’ve lived in California nearly my entire life, but I am still in awe of this place I call home. When my camera is put away, you can usually find me hosting dinners (food is my love language), adventuring with my kids, and sinking my teeth into this one life I’ve got.

I’ve been so lucky to spend the last decade celebrating with couples on days that bring out the best in them — all the happiness, joy and love, shared with all the most important people. If that isn’t a lesson in chemistry, I don’t know what is.

Liz seemed to know who was most important to us and what kind of shots to take. Some of the photos I can hear, and they just capture each of our guest’s personalities perfectly.

-Alayna & Trey


and love every second of it